Who I am and what i do?

About me

Hi, my name is Anthony Olu

AWS Certified Full Stack developer with experience in Supporting Infrastructure (AWS, Linux, Windows), DevOps (Build & Release Management) with a strong background in web & mobile application development, middleware, and databases.

Cloud Proficient

Versatile DevOps engineer with 4 years of experience in full stack software development.Strong Knowledge of cloud environment and tools. Experienced with AWS - including but not limited to EC2, S3, RDS, IAM and Route53.Open to learning and gaining experience with other major cloud service providers as needed.

Diverse Toolset

Seasoned in DB administration across multiple DB engines (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB).Good hands-on knowledge of Source Code Management (Version Control System) tools like Git. Extensive hands-on knowledge of software containerization platforms like Docker as well as container orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Well-versed in using automation/ integration tools like Jenkins to develop complex continuous integration pipelines.

Focused Team Player

Substantial knowledge of scripting and programming languages including Bash, PowerShell, NodeJS, Python and Go. Experience with server-side technologies such as Apache, Nginx and Redis. Flexible and adaptable: able to work in ambiguous situations.

A showcase of the tools & tech I regularly use

My Tools

  • Programming languages
    • JavaScript / Node.JS
    • Python
    • Go
    • Bash
  • Databases
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Redis
  • Package Managers
    • NPM
    • PIP
  • Operating Systems
    • Linux - Ubuntu
    • Linux - RHEL/Centos
    • Windows 7/10
  • Devops Tools
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Git
    • Ansible
  • Development &
    • CI/CD
    • Incremental Releases
    • Jenkins


Projects completed


Project completion targets


(%) Determination


Estimated cups of coffee

Latest Portfolio project showcase

My work

A brief showcase of all my current completed projects. All project contain a brief description of the item as well as technologies used.



A fully responsive table built entirely in vanilla JS

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Canvas snake

An excuse to try out the HTML5 canvas tag as well as entertain myself

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Astro 3D

Expanding on the concepts of my last canvas project, and an exercise to get grips with ES6 syntax.

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A Summary of my professional background,education & achievements

My Professional Summary

Professional Summary

  • Experienced in creating, configuring and maintaining Infrastructure on AWS Cloud services including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), EC2, RDS, S3, Route53, SNS, CloudFront, CloudWatch and IAM.
  • Experienced in creating complex IAM policies, IAM Roles and user management for delegated access within AWS.
  • Experienced in multiple OS platforms such as Linux and the various popular distros in demand today i.e. Ubuntu & RHEL/Centos as well as Windows 7/10
  • Experience working with version control systems like Git and used Source code management tools GitHub and Bitbucket
  • Implemented a CI/CD pipeline involving BitBucket, Jenkins, Mattermost chat services, and Sonarqube for complete automation from commit to deployment with message notification within Mattermost.
  • Hands-on experience with databases (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL) creating users, assigning permissions performing dump/restore and taking automated snapshots.
  • Experienced in Bug/Issue tracking tool like such as JIRA .
  • Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle Methodologies Waterfall, and Agile.
  • Strong work ethic with good Interpersonal and Organizational skills.
  • Ability to work under minimal supervision and guidance

Professional Certifications

  • CompTIA A+ (Achieved 2021)
  • CompTIA Network+ (Achieved 2021)
  • CompTIA Security+ (Achieved 2021)
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner (Achieved 2021)

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